Check Out This VISAGE…


How many times a day do you look at yourself in a mirror?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t know for sure.

You probably glance at yourself when you brush your teeth in the morning and perhaps when you’re getting dressed for the day.

But do you make a point to also check out your visage (see definition and hear pronunciation below) during the day?

Some scientists have studied how many times a day people gaze into a mirror. An average woman looks in a mirror 38 times a day, and an average man does it 18 times a day, according to research.

Now, that’s a lot of mirror gazing!

Cool word vocabulary question of the day: What are the pros and cons of looking in a mirror several times a day?

VISAGE: A person’s face or facial expression.

Click to hear the pronunciation of visage:


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