An Astounding Astral Fact…


Here’s an interesting fact to ponder: About 99% of the human body is made up of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus.

These so-called “elements of life” were created inside stars and then released into space as the stars reached the end of their lifetimes, according to astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

This astral (see definition and hear pronunciation below) material, or “stardust,” was then absorbed into our planet and ourselves.

So, as Tyson says, “…we are a part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.”

Cool word vocabulary question of the day: Can you come up with any other interesting astral trivia?

Astral: Of, connected with, or resembling the stars.

Click here to hear a pronunciation of astral.

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