My, What a Globular Fruit!


Editor’s note: This month, the Cool Word Club will be defining words related to Halloween.

As the days grow closer to Halloween, pumpkins seem to be everywhere!

Though they are generally globular (see definition and hear pronunciation below) in shape, pumpkins come in many sizes.

In fact, pumpkin farmers often compete to see who can grow the heftiest of these autumnal staples.

The heaviest pumpkins on record weigh about 2,000 pounds. But most pumpkins that people buy weigh about 10 to 20 pounds.

Don’t be confused, though, when shopping for pumpkins. You may think of them as vegetables, but pumpkins are technically fruits because they contain seeds.

And what about their color? Believe it or not, some pumpkins aren’t orange. Instead, some are white, red or green!

Cool word vocabulary question of the day: Can you think of any other autumnal foods that are globular?

Globular: Shaped like a globe or ball, rounded.

Click to hear the pronunciation of globular:

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