Is This the INCIPIENT One?


One of the first signs of spring is the emergence of beautiful, blooming flowers!

Among the most popular early-spring flowers is the crocus. Even in winter, some incipient (see definition below) crocuses will pop through snow-covered ground.

There are more than 80 different species of crocus, with colors ranging from purple to yellow. One type of crocus, which blooms in the fall, produces the spice saffron.

Many people who admire the crocus consider the flower’s name especially fun to say, because it rhymes with “hocus pocus.”

Deer, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks also love crocuses. That’s because these animals feed on the flowers’ bulbs (known as “corms”) and leaves.

So, if you ever find yourself wondering when spring will arrive, keep your eye out for a crocus. It’s a sure sign that warm weather is soon to follow!

Cool word vocabulary question of the day: Can you think of an incipient feature of spring?

INCIPIENT: Beginning to exist or come into being.

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