Beware of Ingurgitating Candy!


For most people, Halloween means candy.

And lots of it!

Surveys have shown that the average American trick-or-treater gets about 100 pieces of candy on Halloween night.

Because these sweet treats are loaded with sugar, it’s wise to limit the amount of candy that you eat on the holiday and thereafter.

Even when it’s not Halloween, the average American consumes about 20 teaspoons of added sugar daily in the foods they eat.

So, if you’re going trick-or-treating, be sure that you don’t ingurgitate (see definition and hear pronunciation below) the candy that you bring home!

Cool word question of the day: What do you think the dangers might be if you ingurgitate candy?

Ingurgitate: To swallow greedily or in large quantities.

Click here to hear a pronunciation of ingurgitate.

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