A Survivor in an Inimical Climate


Did you know that the United States is home to the driest and hottest area in North America?

Death Valley, California, is known for its extreme hot temperatures and lack of water.

It is hard to imagine anything living in such a hostile environment.

However, the kangaroo rat is one example of wildlife that survives in this inimical (see definition and hear pronunciation below) climate.

In fact, the kangaroo rat can live virtually its entire life without drinking liquid.

How is this possible? The animal’s body is able to store and get all the liquid it needs merely from the seeds that it eats!

Cool word question of the day: What do you think would be the most effective way to survive in an inimical environment?

Inimical: Not friendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental.

Click here to hear a pronunciation of inimical.


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