When a Ruse Comes in Handy…


Do you like surprise birthday parties?

Some people love the idea of being surprised by a group of friends who want to extend their birthday wishes.

Other people, however, are more reserved and don’t like to be the center of attention.

If you are ever in the position of hosting this type of party, you will need to come up with a ruse (see definition and hear pronunciation below). This will allow you to get the celebrant to the party location without revealing that a surprise is planned.

You may invite the celebrant out to dinner, for example, but not mention that his/her friends will be there, waiting to shout, “Surprise!”

Cool word question of the day: What type of ruse would you use if you were hosting a surprise party?

Ruse: A trick or action intended to deceive.

Click here to hear a pronunciation of ruse.


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