When You Need Sustenance…


Intense physical activity can be especially challenging on a hot summer day.

When you’re working out in the heat, it’s important to drink plenty of water.

If you don’t, your body can quickly lose so much fluid through perspiration that you become dehydrated.

To avoid this, it’s smart to drink water throughout the day and to consume about eight ounces every 15 minutes when you’re exercising.

You may also want to eat some nutritious food, such as peanut butter or a banana, before a strenuous workout.

Getting this sustenance (see definition and hear pronunciation below) will give you the strength you need to exercise to your full capacity.

Cool word question of the day: Can you think of other times when it’s especially important to get sustenance?

Sustenance: Food, drink or other sources needed to sustain health and life; a means of support.

Click here to hear a pronunciation of sustenance.


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