Vocab Practice: Cumbersome


This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on Oct. 30, 2014.

Let’s do a practice round!

Cumbersome means:

A) Crumbly
B) Unwieldy
C) Waterproof
D) Metallic


Cool Word Challenge: Parsimonious and Cumbersome


Cool Word Challenge: Just for fun, come up with one sentence that uses both of the cool vocabulary words that you learned this week.

Here are the words again:

Parsimonious: Excessively frugal; unwilling to spend money; stingy.

Cumbersome: Difficult to use because of its size or bulk; unwieldy.

Submit your [Read more…]

A Cumbersome Coat of Armor


Suits of armor were worn by soldiers in the Middle Ages as protection against the slings and arrows of battle.

But could those clanking suits have been more cumbersome (see definition and hear pronunciation below) than helpful?

In recent years, scientists have concluded that the weight of interlocking metal plates [Read more…]