This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on April 6, 2015.
Let’s do a practice round!
Dilatory means:
A) Premature
B) Elusive
C) Belligerent
D) Tardy
Cool Words for Cool Kids
This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on April 6, 2015.
Let’s do a practice round!
Dilatory means:
A) Premature
B) Elusive
C) Belligerent
D) Tardy
Cool Word Challenge: Just for fun, come up with one sentence that uses both of the cool vocabulary words that you learned this week.
Here are the words again:
Dilatory: Tending to be late; tardy; slow to act.
Knell: The sound of a bell, especially when it is rung slowly. [Read more…]
You rush out the door, knowing that you are running late.
Will you make it to your destination on time?
Whether you’re heading off to school or going to a job, there are almost always designated times when you should arrive.
However, nearly 20% of people are chronically tardy, according [Read more…]
This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on May 27, 2013.
Let’s do a practice round!
Dilatory means:
A) Dilated
B) Punishing
C) Tardy
D) Overabundance
Is it ever acceptable to be three minutes late? What about 10 minutes? Or 20 minutes?
Whether you’re going to school, a movie or a game, you’re usually expected to arrive at a certain time.
But if you’re often late, you might become known as someone who is dilatory (see [Read more…]
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