Vocab Practice: Succor


This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on April 14, 2014.

Let’s do a practice round!

Succor means:

A) Hydration
B) Sunny disposition
C) Relief or aid
D) Sour and tart


Cool Word Challenge: Succor and Anachronism

cool word challenge succor anachronism

Cool Word Challenge: Just for fun, come up with one sentence that uses both of the cool vocabulary words that you learned this week.

Here are the words again:

Succor: Relief or aid that is given in times of distress or suffering.

Anachronism: Something, such as an object, event or [Read more…]

Giving Succor in Times of Crisis


When a natural disaster strikes, it can devastate an entire population.

That’s why international aid organizations are so important. These groups rush to the affected area when there’s an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane or other calamity.

Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross and AmeriCares are just a few of the organizations [Read more…]