
The Fourth of July is celebrated in the US to mark the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

Adopted on July 4, 1776, this famous document proclaims the original 13 American colonies’ freedom and independence from Great Britain.

Also known as Independence Day, the holiday is now celebrated with picnics, parades and colorful fireworks that scintillate (see definition and hear pronunciation below) in the nighttime sky.

Of course, that well-known phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” first appeared in the Declaration of Independence.

If you’ve never read this remarkable document, it’s worth checking out. Click here for the transcript:
And have a happy—and safe—July 4th!

Cool word vocabulary question of the day: Can you think of any other objects that scintillate?

SCINTILLATE: To emit quick flashes of light, sparkle; show brilliance.

Click to hear the pronunciation of scintillate:

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