visage-definitionIf you chose “C,” you’re correct!

Visage means a person’s face.

Click to hear the pronunciation of visage.

Now, go ahead and use the word “visage” in a sentence of your own. Post it below. If it’s one of the most creative sentences we receive, we’ll publish it on the site! Here’s a reminder of how we used the word “visage.”


  1. WordNerd says

    “GEORGE!” I looked up from my breakfast, startled. Her loud thumping stomps were telling, and I didn’t even have to look up to know she was beyond angry. But look up I did, and I flinched at the sight. Her red her was standing on end, and you could almost hear the electricity zapping between the ringlets. Her blue eyes held a dangerous fire just waiting to unleash it’s flames upon a hapless victim. Her visage and her stomps gave me a sinking feeling that I would be the hapless victim this time…

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