Vocab Practice: Intelligentsia


This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on May 8, 2014.

Let’s do a practice round!

Intelligentsia means:

A) A group of intelligent people
B) A group of resourceful animals
C) A group of privileged individuals
D) A group of well-paid employees


Cool Word Challenge: Toothsome and Intelligentsia


Cool Word Challenge: Just for fun, come up with one sentence that uses both of the cool vocabulary words that you learned this week.

Here are the words again:

Toothsome: Tasty or delicious.

Intelligentsia: A group of intelligent, highly educated people.

Submit your sentence below. The most creative ones that [Read more…]

The Intelligentsia at Work


Words often flow easily between different cultures and languages.

For example, the word intelligentsia (see definition and hear pronunciation below) was first used in the mid-1800s to describe educated professionals found within Russian society.

Comprised of scientists, professors, writers and other intellectual elites, the intelligentsia orchestrated significant achievements in a [Read more…]