Vocab Practice: Lobbyist


This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on April 23, 2015.

Let’s do a practice round!

Lobbyist means:

A) A person who recruits for sports teams
B) A person who works in management
C) A person who gives financial advice
D) A person who tries to influence legislation [Read more…]

Cool Word Challenge: Flummox and Lobbyist


Cool Word Challenge: Just for fun, come up with one sentence that uses both of the cool vocabulary words that you learned this week.

Here are the words again:

Flummox: To confuse; perplex; bewilder.

Lobbyist: A person who tries to influence government officials on behalf of a business or cause. [Read more…]

That’s What Lobbyists Do…

lobbyist-cool-vocabulary-wordsWhen someone mentions Washington, D.C., you’re likely to think of the President of the United States or members of Congress.

But they are not the only ones who work in our nation’s capital.

More than 10,000 registered lobbyists (see definition and hear pronunciation below) advocate on behalf of businesses or [Read more…]