Vocab Practice: Ruse


This word appeared on the Cool Word Club website on June 29, 2015.

Let’s do a practice round!

Ruse means:

A) An honest statement
B) An afterthought
C) A large celebration
D) A trick


Cool Word Challenge: Ruse and Epistolary


Cool Word Challenge: Just for fun, come up with one sentence that uses both of the cool vocabulary words that you learned this week.

Here are the words again:

Ruse: A trick or action intended to deceive.

Written in the form of letters.

Submit your sentence below. The most [Read more…]

When a Ruse Comes in Handy…


Do you like surprise birthday parties?

Some people love the idea of being surprised by a group of friends who want to extend their birthday wishes.

Other people, however, are more reserved and don’t like to be the center of attention.

If you are ever in the position of hosting [Read more…]